
Konrad Lochmann

Two languages - two worlds
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
In Padua has told me one - he says: "Do not talk - always Italian - not a German word! only Italian!" It was it that way. Because as the troops after the war who have since governed the troops. Which has allocated you, the German Wehrmacht. As many have fallen, even after the war. As many have come down in camp. I am in May 1945 came just about home. In civilian clothes. And there was the Commentato de Liberation - the freedom .. how can you translate the German-Commentato, which means freedom of command, so the troops. And they have a lot of German forces back to Bolzano to the military camp down, right? And I've got .. and the mayor has placed Americans at that time. A certain Jambapa of South Tyrol has established the mayor, a mayor and a deputy mayor. As yet there were no elections. These were all stay there, who at that time, made after the war mayor. And I, I was not home, then I have been hired as vice mayor, in Tisens there because the mayor has failed to Italian. And that's gone up to the first elections. In the first election I got into the local committee and the mayor became deputy mayor, .. The vice I have not done it because I had the operation. I have not had time, but that is gone. I say this: I'm up to 1982 been in the local committee, community, and, and, and Raiffeisen Bank, Raiffeisen Bank because I have since spent Tisens. Nummero a while ago. Today I found a document from 1947, because I was looking, not.